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The Dragon and Eve
2001-06-14 - 11:27 a.m.

Added relevant links to the bottom of this page, 6.14.01 5pm

Today, Gen will tell you a tale, of bravery and perserverance. The tale of...

The Dragon and Eve

Lady Eve was not the best and bravest of her clan, but she was the only one left who could take on this quest. For the others of her clan were under a deep and magic sleep that would last for a year. Lady Eve had to climb and conquer the dry and treacherous Mount Laun, and complete a task of great importance to her clan. Only through doing this could they all be clothed and fed. Eve had to climb up one mountain and then descend into the cold valley between her and Mt. Laun, and it's craggy peak.

The task was long and tiresome, but not all that difficult or complicated. She was halfway up the mountain, when she stumbled upon an evil and vicious dragon, preventing her from ascending the peak. Eve, not being the bravest, had packed a spear just in case she ran into trouble, but she hoped not to use it. She tried to avoid the dragon, go around, find another path, but the dragon was relentless and fast. Finally she brandished her spear, with the green and gold penon flying. Eve struck blindly at the dragon, she felt her spear strike, but saw nothing with her eyes closed in fear. When she opened her eyes, the Dragon was gone.

Perplexed she traveled up the mountian a little bit further and then, from behind a rock the dragon pounced and struck at her, but Eve, like a terrified bunny, darted out of it's reach. The dragon continued coming at her, faster now. Eve mustered her strength and what courage she had and stood her ground. She aimed her spear and it struck true at the dragon's leg. Sadly this only slowed it down, and made it more angry. It gave out a terrible cry and shot out a ray of fire at her, which she also darted, barely. She had to strike truer next time, or fail for certain. Eve, paused, breathed in and out slowly, took aim once more for the dragon's heart and with all her might, launched the spear forward...

It struck true, right in the heart of the dragon.

The dragon fell to the ground with a loud thud, the spear lodged in it's chest still sticking up straight. Eve paused, breath caught in her chest, waiting for it to awaken again, but it didn't. She had truly slain the beast. She pushed the body of the dragon into a nearby shallow pond, saving her spear as it rolled down the bank. Overhead, the sky, turned black and dark grey, she knew that a storm was imminent. She must no longer glorify in having slain the dragon, there was more important business to be done. She continued up Mt. Laun, to her destination, to complete the task at hand, a little shaken, and little pulsing with energy... she pressed on.

There is no ending to this story yet, and likely the ending will not be as noteworthy as the part told.

What this really was Gen's overactive imagination and fear blowing something out of proportion.

You see, Gen is normally a big fan of bugs, I kinda dig them, cute little exoskeletans, so many different types. I took two Entomology course in college, and enjoyed them both. I played with milkweed bugs, and mosquitoes and even cockroaches no problem. I used to play with catepillers, butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, etc. as a child. However there is one bug that I just can't stand. It totally creeps me out and I freeze when I see them, and they are the cave crickets. Imagine my terror the one time I went caving with a friend and saw an entire cave full of them. Terrified. So, occasionally, Alan sprays the basement to keep these buggers from thriving, but they always manage to come back, and he hasn't sprayed in a while. So while I am faithfully doing our loads and loads of laundry down in the cold basement, I go to switch out a load before retiring to bed last night. Now normally when I come upon one of these, I either avoid it, or call Alan to come down and kill it. Girly and wimpy I know, but that's just my standard operating procedure to keep from spasing. I don't do the Alan! Kill it ! Kill it! kill it! I very calmly, say Honey, can you come here for a minute? and he comes down to the basement, and I point and he kills it and then I go about my merry way. Well, this time, my hero was already in bed.

So this stupid cricket is sitting right on top of the pile of laundry that I need to tackle next, and when I try to shoo it away, it crawls deeper and deeper into the pile. arrgghhhh... so, I strike at it with the broom, and I must have missed, but I can't see it anywhere. I go about sorting the lanudry and as I near where it was, I use the other end of the broom to sort, and of course, there it is, jumping at me! This time, I see it more clearly, and I strike at it with the broom, and it slows and flails about a bit, but it is not dead. I strike once more with my broom, and it is dead, and now stuck to the bristles. I knock it's mutilated, still kicking body into the utility sink and wash it down the drain.

So the tale of the dragon and Mt. Laun was much more intriguing, but hell, now you all know I'm a wimp.

But don't think that if you try to freak me out with one of these bastards, I won't strike back with a vengance... once I've recovered...

Update: So, since folks were asking which nasty beasties there were, I went and found a few webpages on them, ah the internet...

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