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Heraldry part two
2001-02-07 - 16:43:08

Oh, the heralds.... let's go!

When you're a Jet, You're a Jet all the way, from your first cigarette 'til your last dying day...

Heralds are heralds for life. It's rather sad really.

Now onto SCA Heraldry, to address Christian's Rant. I personally don't quite understand the college of heralds fully, but as Galmr says "They make up a bunch of random non-period rules and make the rest of us follow them." Mind you, this is the same man who contemplated winning Crown to do, among other things, make Atlantia soveriegn heraldicly, so that we only had to not conflict with others in Atlantia. Now that is period! And less of a headache. Unfortunately it was pointed out the Laurel Sovereign at Arms is written into the society governing docs, and such so that we'd have to become Atlantia, inc. to be our own. Which is also an idea that has some merit. :)

But on the other hand, simple heraldry is not that hard to pass. In actuality, it is easier to pass simple stuff than the complex shit right now. For simple devices look at Alan's, or mine, or Thjora's for simplicity. On the whole cross angle, look at Kevin of Thornbury's and Andrew's for recent simple designs with a cross that have passed. Here's the heraldese:

These are not complicated designs. I think most SCA heralds like to throw in all the complicated stuff cause it makes the blazon sound cool or something. Heaven knows. But, simple heraldry will pass, even if you have to tweak it a little, instead of a whole lot. You could start by adding an unobtrusive border like Andrew did since a simple white cross would not pass. There are ways, you just need to work with one of the few cool heralds.

Personally I think the heraldry as a concept is bitchin' cool. I like displaying mine, or marking stuff with it. I especially like it better now that I have arms I can actually use. But I agree with Christian that the current SCA Heraldry is messed up, full of goobs and not entirely correct. Mind you the SCA also automatically assumes that everyone is lower nobility. This kind of makes our society a whole lot top heavy, which is why I get kinda irritated when folks give me grief about not wearing a pointy hat. Working in a pointy hat is just not terribly practical. And in the SCA you get promoted by doing work, not just by looking good and kissing ass. Mind you there are also those who do take a more period look to things like promotion. Royalty, don't stop too suddenly or you are bound to get someone stuck.... whether you like it or not.

Okay, so I've gotten kinda off track. To be specific I want the pedantic and smelly heralds to be gone. The likes of Rhiannon and other cool heralds I wish to keep. When the revolution comes, I would gladly be in charge of putting the smelly heralds up against the wall, but only if I'm given an oxygen mask. You can pass simple heraldry but it does involve finding one of the rare cool heralds and using them, and doing a bit of research on your own. And you have to be willing to make compromises to your original plan. Yes, the SCA doesn't do it like the real world, but why start now?

Clear as mudd?

Christian, I don't fancy myself a herald, but I think I have a greater tolerance for them than you do. Let me play with a couple of ideas and get back to you. I promise to bathe. :)

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