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Unevent bound...
2001-11-30 - 12:22 p.m.

If I can pass on one small bit of wisdom it is that if you are allergic to cats and cat dander, do not take a great office in Atlantia.
I swear the few great officer files that I have come into contact with always set my allergies off one way or another. The seneschal files, among other places have lived with Keilyn, and while I love you girl, neatness ain't your strong suit and you had too many cats then. I swelled up like a balloon the first time I helped Alan file. The MoAS files were horrible, thanks Teri or did DB infest them first? I had to take tons of allergy drugs just to touch them, and then once you are high on drugs, filing is only so important. This was one of the reasons I was so bad with filing during my term of office. The MoL files are only slightly saturated with cat dander, but even nice neat Theo has a cat, and has had multiple cats and I swear the cats must flock to the filing cabinets. I took a Claritin yesterday morning, 180 mg of Allegra half an hour before heading to Theo's place and even after sitting in the wooden chairs, I still had to take some more allergy drugs last night. Then again, it might have had something to do with the 7 folks walking around, stomping on the carpet, while filing and working and such. Sigh, I don't mean to whine, really this is intended as a warning to others. If you are allergic to cats, find some other way to serve. Or invent a way to suck cat dander out of file boxes without completely disturbing the files. Don't take a kingdom office. I've never touched the Chirurgeon or Chronicler files, but I can only imagine. Not that I blame the past holders of these offices, cats are perfect scadian pets, you can leave them alone for the weekend with food, water and litter box and they are pretty much self sufficient. However...

Afterwards I had Moosetracks ice cream with Rags and escaped to Last Chance for drinks with friends. Of course, as we have witnessed with Theo, it is not easy to escape conversation with Rags. Needless to say I didn't get to Last Chance when others did, so only had some Diet Coke, no rum, to try and infuse me with caffeine before trying to stay up to chat and drive home. Matt and Susan gave me a Nessie stuffed animal with a plaid pouffy hat on that looks more like a shower cap than a berret. tee hee. Laura's bat puppet was the coolest though. Matt and I acted like children, making faces at each other, trying to push each other off their chairs, it was fun. :)

Tomorrow is Unevent, that joyous time of officer and order meetings. Charming... Although I hear of all these folks complaining of how far away it is from here. Dude, it is 5 hours at worst, 4 if you drive like a bat out of hell. That is not far, I don't care what anyone says. wimps Crown was far, 7.5 hours. Sacred Stone is far, 8 hours. Bordervale Keep is far, 10 hours. I'm sorry folks, Durham is simply not far. Now mind you, it is a little far to drive for meetings only, but there will be some fun hanging out and such, so not all boring. And we have the added bonus that we don't have to pack all our SCA stuff, only an overnight bag, and stuff to take notes and the like. Or handouts if you are one of those unlucky few who have to run a meeting. tee hee, not me! So tonight Alan, Bob and Laura and I all pile in Scarlett for another run to Unevent. This is almost becoming tradition. Kinda cool. I warned BnL to pack some of their own music or be forced to listen to mine and Alan's. :)

Oh, and everyone, Sunday is Laura's Birthday, so be sure to wish her a happy one! We'll do what we can considering she is stuck with us.

See some of you there!

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