
Waking Sleeping Sign Repose Wish
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam...

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so this is what relaxing is like, I had almost forgot
2001-10-29 - 3:03 p.m.

So, it's 3pm, and I've had hiccups three times today. sigh. It's kinda starting to really annoy me, hence the mild hissy I threw at my desk. Perhaps I should lay off the soda and go get some water. 44 ounces is enough for one day, really.... On the plus side I have found this new technique for getting rid of the hiccups that involves pressing down on the collar bones. Then again it could be that its effect is limited since they keep on coming back...

I took the weekend off. Mind you I was sick at the start of it. Miserably sick. and I refuse to take any shit for taking this weekend off. I needed and deserved it, dammit. Thank you Rhi for taking over, she's a good Queen and involves relatively little maintenance, but thanks just the same. And you couldn't have paid me enough to ride down with the Fighting Fat guys.

So, Friday I was feeling so lousy that even though I wasn't going out of town I still went home early and crashed in bed, after taking the triple dose (ah the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon) of the codeine decongestant syrup. I slept solidly for 4.5 hours. Out like a light. and it was good. Alan eventually woke me up at 7:30 so I wouldn't sleep all night and asked if I wanted to go out to eat with him and Laura. Options were sushi and meat faucet. I was soooo sick, I wanted neither. But then my foggy brain thought, if the sushi place has tempura, which was likely, I could go for breaded yummy goodness. So, off to the sushi place it was. and I stayed awake and the food was quite welcome. since I didn't really have lunch. So after dinner we went to Clyde's and got chocolate mousse to go. Oh, this was dangerous, you can just walk up to the bar, say mousse to go and take home this delectable, chocolaty moussy goodness with fresh whipped cream on top. oh dearie dear. Laura only ate a little of hers and had the rest for breakfast, but I ate all mine then and there. Then it was off to home and bed and another 10 hours of uninterrupted drugged sleep.

Sat. I woke up sleepy but feeling pretty good and didn't take any cold meds all day. Must have been the codeine. Then again, maybe the mousse has healing properties. hmmm.... There was a Trading Spaces marathon on TLC and I got sucked into that. Laura came over after a sugar induced redecorating and rehanging of painting fit. She went all Martha Stewart, but still retaining her black little heart. Martha can't touch that. We hung out, taunted Alan as he played with fish tanks, I did accomplish laundry and life was good, but pretty much I was a bum all day, which I so badly needed. yeah, that's it.

We went out to Arundel Mills, picking up the Mel on the way and went to go eat dinner at DeClaw's with Gina, which did not suck in the least, a little bit of shopping and then a movie. I personally liked From Hell quite a bit, but not being from England the bad fake cockney accent didn't bother me. I thought it was visually stimulating and dark, and a overall good scary movie. Then again, it's pretty hard for me to see a movie I don't like. I'm just not that discriminating of a customer I guess. First Knight, Pocahontas and Your Friends and Neighbors tops the list of movies I wish I didn't bother to see in the theaters, can I have my money back please, and oh yes, at least $6/hour of my time wasted on that horrible movie. So, I'm just not terribly discriminating. I like Heather Graham's hair color as well, but for the close ups of her face you think they could have darkened her eyebrows. Funny, that's the only thing that really bothered me. That and that the other whores were at least proper enough to try to put up their hair most of the time, all except her character. sure... still worth seeing for a little Halloween predictable suspense and gore, well, a little anyway.

Sunday was more sleeping in, and then finishing the laundry, cutting out an outfit to be for me, and working on the wavy stripe. I watched the later part of Steel Magnolias, Sense and Sensibility, and there had to be something else before Blast From the Past, which is an excessively cute movie. So, I cried a lot, and Alan looked at me worriedly, and I tried to explain that it was okay, really, just good crying movies. This is why I try to watch them when he's not around. Love my Alan.

And that was my weekend, full of movies, sleeping in, friends, laundry, and a bit of sewing.

Random Alan quote from my sewing on the wavy stripe on Sunday: Is there is a reason, other than pure obstinence, that you are sewing the entire stripe on by hand. It just wouldn't be right not to.

On another positive note, who says there is no such thing as a free lunch? I got a free lunch today. They had a diversity awareness set up in the hallway between the main IT office and our little tucked away cave. There was the Italian station with pasta that I avoided and yummy Italian sausage. There was a greek-ish station with olives and mushrooms and other stuff where I got this nice roast pork (not anywhere close to Wendy's but it was free...) and there was the German station with tender nicely spiced roast beef to die for, and then there was the bread station with free cheesecake and this little triangular shaped pastry with dark chocolate goo on the inside. nummy! I, of course, had to stop and look at the collection of writings, and other diversity awareness stuff so it wasn't painfully obvious that I was just there for the free food.

"Of course not Mother, I'm only here for the food..." -Jacquline, Ever After

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