
Waking Sleeping Sign Repose Wish
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam...

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UofA hooray
2006-06-07 - 1:38 p.m.

Hooray, we all survived the devil's holiday (6/6/06) that the media was all over like Hollywood flocking to rehab. I'm so thrilled. The devil sent me a major sinus headache that had me mostly miserable all day Monday and Tuesday and a little right now. Evil I tell you.

I haven't been in much of a people mood lately. Could have been peopled out from the weekend. Could be this damnable headache. So, if I'm less than social and bubbly, take comfort in the knowledge that it's not just you and deal.

University weekend was a blast. Drove down to Maxie and Markie's B&B late on Friday night after failing to resist a nap and pizza. Got to chat with folks some on Friday night before retiring to bed around 1am. Morning was a quick shower, Thjora scones for breakfast, what do I do with my hair?, and getting on the road to Charlottesville. For those of you who know how I like to be in control in a car, be proud that I rode with Gracie there and back and simply played the role of navigator.

University itself was full of fun peoples and interesting classes. I did TRH's hair (twice, since I didn't set the braids low enough the first time, bad Gen), sat in on Kisaiya's class for new folks (and tried not to be a burden), enjoyed lunch under the shade of a tree with Izzy, Keilyn and folks, was late to the Ballads class that ended early, snuck into the end of Extreme Costuming, sat in on Roman garb, and then just hung out in the courtyard with a variety of folks before departure time.

I hate to say it, but the best part of the weekend came after the classes were over. The cookout was mega-loads of fun. It was nice hanging out with a wide variety of folks from all over the kingdom. I did some fingerloop braiding with some pink silk from Isobel, and learned coptic patterned sprang from Oddny well into the night. I've been meaning to have a picture to post, but alas laziness has struck. Suffice it to say that under great tutelage, I started and completed a little red and white pouch that night. I also got sucked into a late late night conversation with some ka-razy 3rd shifter/night owls which meant not going to bed until ~4am.

Sunday morning was more fun hanging out, breakfast of bacon, eggs and more yummy scones, a quick check of the trailer and loading up to head on home early afternoon. I was fine with only 4 hours of sleep until I got home and my body demanded a nap. So after unloading, a nap I got.

I think the return trip must have screwed with my head/sinuses some. During the 2.5 hour drive the temperature and pressure changed dramatically due to thunderstorms rolling through. Not having a barometer, Scarlet said the temp jumped from 78 to 58 to 74 to 60 to 75 during the trip, and I had to pause to pop my ears a few times too. Oi!

Sunday night was spent munching on the great leftovers from the weekend; steak, crab cake, corn on the cob for dinner down in the basement in the comfy chairs of doom. Monday was laundry, last night was fighter practice/stained glass delivery to storage/music practice and dinner out with friends. Tonight should be fairly laid back of chiro and grocery shopping and more sinus medication, and then tomorrow is our 4th Anniversary. We've got plans to try a new restaurant and see X-Men III. Hooray.

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